Attached staff

Pauline Harrington


Shannaz Wahid

Community mental health link

Vincent Charles

Adult primary care link worker

Margaret Obiora

Children’s primary care link worker

District nurses

District nurses are available for patients requiring home nursing. They work closely with practice doctors and nurses and attend to changing dressings, removal of stitches and ear syringing, etc. Leave a message at our reception if you wish to make contact with a district nurse. The district nurses can also be reached on 01582 707343.

Health visitors

Health visitors work to promote health in all age groups and give support to people in their homes, particularly the housebound and mothers with young children. They can be contacted on 01582 532823.

  • Please contact the practice if you want to get in touch with Macmillan Cancer Support nurses, the community matron or MDT co-ordinator.